Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Today, today... what a day.

Before I begin, here's a picture of Boyzilla, mocking my laughter. =)

And one of him drinking water at Islands

*sip, sip* Ahhh. wine = better

Today I had a little meltdown. Work is beyond stressful, and I'll spare you the boring details. I had a little panic attack, complete with tears, hyperventilating and then some wheezing to top it off. Ten minutes and 3 inhaler puffs later.... I was back to normal, but not before totally stressing my mom out. Misery, it seems, does in fact love company.

I got home late, a little after 6, and proceeded to turn dinner into a complete disaster. Yay me! Alex still ate it, even though I offered to make him something edible.

Noah peed on the floor, potty training is getting off to a slow start. I was hoping that maybe he wouldn't enjoy making a mess with his bodily fluids... I was sorely mistaken. He did, however, put
himself to bed. =)

I decided that instead of throwing myself a pity party, I would reflect on all the things I'm thankful for.... because in the grand scheme of things, life really isn't all that bad.

I'm thankful for two buck chuck, of which I always have at least one bottle sitting in my kitchen.

I'm also thankful that beacuse my husband is such a wino, he taught me how to uncork a bottle when I was 20.... God bless him.

I'm thankful that Alex just walked in the door with frozen fruit bars from Trader Joe's... he really does love me.

I'm thankful that I still have a job in this crazy economy.

I'm thankful for the 2 year old wildebeest that is currently sleeping.

I'm thankful for the snot soaked kissed that same wildebeest planted on me when I got home.

I'm thankful that my mom is alive and well, and that all that remains of her stroke is a 5 inch scar.

I'm thankful for 4 years of wedded bliss. (translation: I'm thankful that Alex still puts up with me.)

I'm thankful that I still feel like a lovestruck 15 year old when Alex kisses me.

I'm thankful that God has a sense of humor, and that He reminds me, every day, to take a step back and laugh at the craziness.

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