Thursday, February 26, 2009

Life and all that entails..

This week is crazy! The end of the month is always madness around here. I'm working 4 days this week, getting home after 6 each day. Thankfully Superdad gets off work at 3:30, so he picks up Boyzilla by 4 from my aunt. Boyzilla is always so excited to see Superdad. :-) I'm so happy I don't work full time at the office, I can't imagine doing this juggling act 5 days a week.

Speaking of the office... I am now the proud owner of my own office! Woo hoo! As of last week, I finally have my own office, with a door, that I can shut, when I need I used to have this huge open space that consisted of two real walls and lots of cubicle walls, but it was far from an actual office. The office I now reside in was used to hold all of our office supplies, on shelves made of scaffold. (OSHA violation anyone?) It's also where the lady who does payroll sat. Well, she's moving to Texas, and when I asked if I could have her office when she left, my boss liked the idea so much he had us switch the next day. The office supplies are now in the supply closet, and the scaffold is back where it belongs, outdoors. The walls are bare for now, I haven't had time to look for pictures to put up, but I am so loving my own office. Now I don't have to sit with my finger pressed to my ear when I'm on the phone, I can actually hear people! I also feel super productive, something about having my own office makes me want to work even more. Maybe it's just me, but I feel like I get more done when I'm there. I don't have a moment to spare, since I'm only there 2-3 days a week. There's only so much I can do at home away from all the project files.

Boyzilla is afraid of the potty. When he was a few months old, I had this lovely vision in my head of him being potty trained by 18 months. Now, I'm praying he's potty trained by 2 1/2, 3 at the latest! I think I'll mosey on down to Borders this weekend and pick up a book or two on potty training. Everything I find on-line doesn't seem to work with him!

Well, off to do some cleaning and put Boyzilla to bed. He's laying on the floor on his blankie, sucking his thumb.

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